It's finally starting to seem real. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is feel my belly. In the morning, before I get up, I can feel my bulging uterus and it just makes me smile. That seems kinda weird to say, but its true. I know my baby is in there swimming around, and growing everyday and it just makes me so happy.
I'm also starting to show. Jason says my belly is bigger everyday, especially at night. It's huge at night! I'm getting so excited about this baby, not that I wasn't excited before, it just seems so much more real now. There have been 2 times that I *may* have felt the baby move, but since I've never felt it I'm not sure. Hopefully in a few more weeks I will start to feel it on a regular basis.
My next doctors appointment is next Friday, I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again! Here's a pic of my belly at 14 weeks and 2 days :)

You are adorable!!! I am so happy for you and your dh.