Our ultrasound was amazing! The tech did all the measurments then surprised us and flipped it over to 4D. I started crying, it was amazing to all of the sudden see a real baby and not just an outline of bones. Baby looks beautiful and perfect and healthy! We even watched it have the hiccups, so adorable! We made it through the u/s without finding out the gender, so we are officially staying on the green team!!
She said the baby's measuring a whole week early, 20w3d. And it's weight is estimated at 12oz, instead of the "normal" 8-10oz...great, a big baby! haha, i knew there was a reason I was getting so big!
Here are some pics!
A perfect little profile :)

This is when she flipped the switch and went to 4D...amazing.

Almost giving us a little smile

I cant believe you are keeping the gender a secret! Noooo! I guess there are few true surprises in life and if thats something you want to wait on then more power to ya. Congrats on a healthy little bun.