Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Baby's Growing ~ 22 weeks!

Baby is getting so big! I feel it's kicks all the time, and most nights Jason gets to feel too. I've even seen my belly poke out from its kicks. Also, Baby's mommom-to-be got to feel a kick, which she was very excited about. It's amazing how much space it's taking up now. I feel like almost my whole belly is baby.

Speaking of my belly, it's getting huge. Every week when I go to the gym it takes me by surprise. I really notice it there because of all the mirrors and my workout clothes. Luckily all the weight I've gained seems to be in my belly so far.
Here I am at 22 weeks, 1 day:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ultrasound Results!

Our ultrasound was amazing! The tech did all the measurments then surprised us and flipped it over to 4D. I started crying, it was amazing to all of the sudden see a real baby and not just an outline of bones. Baby looks beautiful and perfect and healthy! We even watched it have the hiccups, so adorable! We made it through the u/s without finding out the gender, so we are officially staying on the green team!!

She said the baby's measuring a whole week early, 20w3d. And it's weight is estimated at 12oz, instead of the "normal" 8-10oz...great, a big baby! haha, i knew there was a reason I was getting so big!

Here are some pics!

A perfect little profile :)

This is when she flipped the switch and went to 4D...amazing.

Almost giving us a little smile

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Feeling Movement!

Just over a week ago, at 17weeks, 5days, I felt my first definite movement! About 5 little taps just below my belly button while I was sitting at my desk at work. All week I've been feeling little kicks, yesterday was the best day so far. Hopefully it wont be too long until these itty bitty kicks are strong enough to feel from the outside so Jason can feel them too.

Another exciting milestone: Strangers can tell I'm pregnant! On our cruise last week, the first person to say anything was one of the photographers. We were having our picture taken after dinner one night and he said to Jason, "Sir, hand on baby." I almost cried, it was so sweet. By the end of the cruise two more people had asked if I was expecting. Of course, we were on a cruise...I'm sure my belly was sticking out more than usual because of the eating we were doing!

We have hired our doula. The meeting went great; I know she will help me have the birth experience I'm hoping for. Now I'm just reading everything I can get my hands on to help me prepare. We'll sign up for childbirth classes that start mid-december.

The ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow at 4:00, so hopefully I will have some cute baby pics to put up soon. Until then here is me at 18 weeks.