Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Making Progress

I had a great doctor's appointment today! First of all I lost a pound (which is always nice at this point) my blood pressure is still great, I'm 3 cm dialated, 70% effaced, and the baby is at station +2 or 3!! The doctor was very happy with my progress and said she will be surprised if I make it to my appointment next week!

Yay, Come on Baby!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Good News!!

We found out today that the baby is now head down!! What a huge relief!

I am full term this weekend, so I will be busy getting all the last minute details done. I plan on washing all the newborn and 0-3 month size clothes and putting them away, setting up the pack n play, and installing the carseat. Just in case this little one (who is already full of surprises) decides to come a little early.

I'm so happy and excited!