Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baby Shower #1

Last weekend my Mother-in-law threw me a shower for Jason's side of the family. It was very nice and we ended up getting a lot of great stuff. Here are some pics from my fun night celebrating baby!

Also, I counted it up yesterday and I only have 36 work days till maternity leave!!

This is what my mom got me, it was a hamper then when I took the lid off a clothesline filled with cute clothes was stretched across the whole room

Me and my sister

My adorable Noah's Ark cake

And the diaper cake that Jason's mom made for us

My mom and friend are throwing me another shower in February, I can't wait for that one with all my friends! =)

30 weeks!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I passed!!

I found out that I officially passed the glucose screening at my last appoinment! yay! I was nervous about it so it's a relief to be done with that. Also, I've been having some really bad leg cramps in my calves at night while I'm sleeping. Some are so bad that they wake me up. I know you are supposed to just pull your toes up to stretch it out, but sometimes the cramp is so tight I cant even move my foot..and my calf is sore for days after. Everything else has been going great though, so I can't really complain. Our childbirth classes are going great. Here's a fun pic from our last class. I'm 29.5 wks here :-)

and here is another belly pic at 28 weeks

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Started our Childbirth Classes Last Night!

We don't have any "natural" classes in our area, the closest ones are about 2 hours away, so these are classes that the hospital offers. I know that isn't ideal, but I've been doing lots of research and reading on my own (right now I'm loving Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way) and our doula did recommend these classes.

So far I really like them. Our teacher is a registered doula and lactation consultant although she has to cover the hospital's curriculm, I think she is more pro-natural than the typical hospital instructor. And next week is totally focused on natural coping techniques.

Also, Jason is getting more out of it than he expected. He wasn't thrilled when he found out about the whole childbirth class for 6 weeks thing. But he seemed happy when we left, said he had learned things, and he is totally on board and committed to helping me have a natural childbirth...he said this is my baby, and I want what is best for it, so we are going to get through it together without drugs. :) He really is going to benefit from this class and will be a much better support person for me now, I'm so excited and looking forward to having this experience with him. :)