Monday, July 6, 2009

My hopes are low this month...

I took my temp today for the first time this cycle and I had a post O temp. I have never O'd earlier then CD 12, but of course this month I would. I've been trying to work with this low sperm count, so we hadn't BD the last 2 try to build some up for tonight (thinking I would O today or tomorrow). Now the only thing we have to work with is CD9, which I'm sure there was almost no sperm that time, since we BD the day before and twice that day. Ugh, I hate this.

I also had some spotting again yesterday, just like last cycle. I don't know what is going on with me.

Just 2.5 weeks till we see the RE and get a new plan.


  1. OHH I hope the RE has some answers for you Kristin!! You are going to make a great mommy!!!

  2. I hope you get some good answers with the RE! Here's sending you good vibes!

  3. Good luck with the RE Kristin! I hope they can come up with a good plan of action for you to catch that eggie!

  4. Hey there! I just stumbled across your blog from the BabyZone Website and thought I would wish you luck! I am also ttc, and I understand the frustrating, stressful, and tiring effects it can have on us! And I thought it was going to be easy...huh. Positive thoughts and fun in the process, and hopefully it'll work for us!! GL
