Friday, July 31, 2009

Two Week Wait

Two weeks until I get to see my little bean :) I cannot wait! I just want to see that everything is going like it should and my baby is happy and safe in there.

I'm telling myself that I only have to get through one real work week, since the week of my appointment is packed with fun it should go by pretty quickly. Monday I have my first appointment with the nurse, Tuesday my sister has her c-section and I get to meet my newest nephew, Wednesday is me and DH's 9 year wedding anniversary, and Thursday I'm sure will be the longest day ever, then it's Friday and I get my ultrasound! So hopefully all those distractions will help the second week go by much faster.

Everything is going well so far. Still no morning sickness. My boobs are getting huge (well, not really, but they are huge for me) and are still very sore. I'm hungry all the time, and exhausted by the time I get home at night. Hopefully all that is a good sign!


  1. YAY!!! I cannot wait to hear all about your appointment. I am so excited for you!

  2. I can't wait to hear how it goes and see the pic of your little bean!! :)
